- GPCRs all are from the same family and share characteristics
- sevenpass transmembrane receptors that associate with G proteins
- examples include rhodopsin and olfactory receptors
- signal binds GPCR, GPCR goes through conformational change, activates a bound trimeric G protein, who relays the signal to the rest of the cell
- each GPCR has its own set of G proteins
- the G protein is either normally bound to the receptor or binds after ligand binds to receptor
- G protein has alpha subunit, beta subunit, and gamma subunit (beta and gamma usually go together as the beta-gamma complex)
- in normal state, a is bound to a GDP
- the activated receptor acts like GEF and makes a drop the GDP and get a GTP
- the G protein changes conformation and the subunits can now act on enzymes or ion channels in the plasma membrane to continue the signaling cascade
- when a hydrolyzes the GTP (usually with help from a regulator of g-protein signaling-RGS protein), it becomes inactive
- adenylyl cyclase is one possible target of the G protein
- it makes cAMP from ATP and is membrane-bound
- change of [cAMP] is resisted by cAMP phosphodiesterases (PDEs)
- GPCRs can activate either Gs or Gi to stimulate or inhibit the cyclase
- 2 kinds of toxins target this pathway:
- cholera: bacteria makes enzyme that adds an ADP ribose to the a of a Gs protein, so it can't hydrolyze GTP, so it is continuously on: continuous adenylyl cyclase = continuous high [cAMP] = diarrhea in intestinal cells
- pertussis: bacteria makes enzyme that adds and ADP ribose to the a of a Gi protein, so it can't interact with GPCR to receive a new GTP, so it is continuously off: continuous adenylyl cyclase = continuous high [cAMP] = fluid flooding the lungs
- so with cAMP now present in high concentration, where does the signal go next?
- cAMP activates PKAs (cAMP-dependent protein kinase), a Ser/Thr kinase
- PKA normally exists as 2 regulatory subunits bound to 2 catalytic subunits
- 4 cAMP binding simultaneously to PKA causes the r subunits to release the c subunits, which go to do the phosphorylation
- one of PKA's targets is PDE, which lowers the cAMP, quickly shutting down the signal to a brief local pulse rather than a weak extended signal (like a quick mosquito bite as opposed to the annoying buzz buzz buzzing in your ear)
- A-kinase: another name for the regulatory subunits, help localize PKAs to the right place
- AKAP (A-kinase anchoring protein): an adaptor that tethers the A kinase (and bound c subunits if not activated) to cytoskeleton or organelle membrane or other signaling proteins to make a complex
- so PKA is active, what happens next?
- one option is activation of gene expression
- target gene has a special sequence in the regulatory region of the gene: CRE (cAMP response element)
- the CREB protein recognizes and binds to this sequence
- PKA phosphorylates CREB
- active CREB recruits CBP (CREB binding protein), who stimulates transcription where the CREB is sitting (in that way, the Cre gene is specified by the CREB)
- G proteins, in addition to adenylyl cyclase, also act on PLC (phospholipase C)
- PLC is activated by the Gq protein, and then cleaves PIP2 into IP3 and DAG
- IP3 is a water-soluble molecule and goes into the cytoplasm
- binds to IP3 receptors at the ER, which are calcium channels
- the channels open and calcium ions flood the cytoplasm
- calcium flood is later reverted by the opening of other calcium channels in the ER and by calcium pumps that expel the ions into the ECM
- DAG is not water-soluble and remains in the membrane, where it is further cleaved into arachidonic acid and later becomes eicosanoids-small lipid signaling molecules (e.g. prostaglandin involved in pain/inflammation)
- DAG also activates PKC: PKC 1st senses the calcium flood and moves to the plasma membrane, where it binds DAG
- triple binding of PKC to calcium, DAG, and phosphatidylserine on the membrane fully activates PKC
- calcium is a universal signal because it CAN cause a sudden flood
- this happens because intracellular [Ca] is kept very very very low, while [Ca] in ER and ECM is very very very high
- as soon as channels open, calcium ions zoom in
- in normal conditions, ATP pumps and antiporters in the plasma membrane and ER membrane expel or suck up calcium out of the cytoplasm
- calcium signals tend to occur in multiple spikes rather than a continuous period of high concentration, because there are so many pumps and other calcium binding proteins
- also, calcium causes its own positive feedback, but too much calcium causes its own negative feedback, producing the oscillation of calcium spikes
- a strong signal produces rapid oscillations, while a weak signal = low frequency of oscillations
- therefore, some calcium sensitive proteins are actually calcium-frequency sensitive: low frequency activates one set of genes, while high frequency activates another
- calmodulin: calcium binding protein that relays the calcium signal
- 2 calcium ions bind calmodulin, causing a conformational change
- the Ca2+/calmodulin complex goes and binds other target molecules, undergoing a second conformational change
- target molecules include the pumps that get rid of calcium
- one important target is CaMk (Ca2+/calmodulin-dependent kinase): CaMk phosphorylates itself and other target molecules
- the autophosphorylation enables CaMk to remain active even when calcium goes away, until phosphatases come by
- CaMk is also the protein that is sensitive to calcium frequency!
- low frequency calcium allows time for the CaMk to lose activity and go back to normal before the next pulse
- high frequency prevents CaMk levels from falling back to zero before the next pulse, so the total CaMk activity goes up, falls a little bit, then goes up even more, falls a little bit, and goes up even even more
- also, CaMk is a multisubunit protein, so a cell can make CaMk's with different subunits to do different things at different frequencies
pg. 903 - 916 (from Chapter 15)
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